Monday, October 13, 2014

Dang Dog Dang Diggity Dog Dang Dang Dang Diggity Dog

So I had to scrap most of my work (so long tea cups and cakes!) but the new stuff looks pretty superb. 

I can't believe how much I've learned from this project. Not just in my field (which I've kept you all updated on) but in other people and other artists. You'd think artists would understand each other but the languages between each profession are vastly different. Composition to Liv means an entirely different thing to me. I think our miscommunication was the key thing that stopped me and Liv from being on the same page most the time. 

I also learned (and this is incredibly silly for me not to have known beforehand) that making a mixdown is hard and requires time and a lot of talent. One thing Liv realized is that people outside of the music profession think mixes can just be pulled out of thin air. No one ever sees the layers upon layers upon layers of sound they have to weave together. No one even thinks about WHERE they get their sound. They just assume the musician know what they're doing and just produce it. It's like making sketches and thumbnails. Testing things out, brushing things up, making sure the placement is right before you go in and make it final. Visually, if you work in programs like Photoshop, you can understand a person having a hundred layers for one illustration. Same with musicians. They can have a hundred layers of different sounds for a song. I need to take up an instrument.


  1. first off, let me just say I love this blog. Very detailed, very personal, very professional. You've put plenty of heart into it, and I like that.

    Same goes to what you've got of the piece so far, and it's safe to say you'll get it done on time. If I had to offer a criticism, I'd do something with that twinkle in the beginning. Moving twinkles being static images are just a personal nitpick of mine. Looking forward to seeing the finished result!

    1. Thaaanks :) Yeah I wanted to add twinkles int he beginning but decided it was more important to just get the basics down first. If I have time I'll definitely add them!

  2. sooo awesome and clean! The colors are great!

  3. I think you'll definitely be able to finish by Monday. My favorite part is the style it's drawn and the color palette. The only part that's confusing to me is when she's dancing and then gets swept away. I feel like the two movements need to be combined more.

    1. Thanks! :) I love colour!! And yeah that part looks really funky, haaaaa. If I have time I'll re make that part.

  4. Very confident that you'll be able to get this done on time. Looks really good with the cross dissolves. Strongest element is definitely the quality of the illustrations. Can't really come up with a reason to be concerned.

  5. Nice save! I know that working with these music majors is tough, but you really pulled through with your partner slowing down the song so much. Strongest element the dandelion. I feel like you'll most deff get down by next week at the very latest. Maybe add 2 or 3 more drawings with her dancing at the most.

  6. The art style is really nice and I love how some shoots look nice if they're not even fully animated. Though if you are planning to fully animate your piece, it looks like you will have a lot of work to do to get all those in-betweens for your person in the piece. Though I think it would look good if you keep focus on those poses and transitions rather than full animation.

  7. This song works well with the animation. I believe you could finish this in a week, if you don't have any changes to add to it. You should add a little bit more in the background in the beginning

    1. I'M ADDING SPARKLES!!!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

  8. Love your drawings and colors and how organized your blog is. I can tell you wanted to to a lot more with this but the dissolves were a great idea and they look great. I kinda wish there were a few more key poses for some of the scenes, but try to prioritize finishing the whole thing first. No doubt you'll finish this on time.

    1. Yeah, Key poses! If I have time I'll def go back and add more. Some scenes do have more I just haven't gotten to them. Thankkkssss!

  9. Very splendid work! good visuals, clear framing and compositions, and the piece is beautiful overall, Keep up the good work and I will be very excited to see it finished by next week.

  10. Im very confident you will finish this by next week. I think changing the beginning was a very smart choice. I feel that your animation now goes well with the song. The strongest element I would say is that you were very successful in portraying emotion.
